How to be an Effective Team Member

It is very likely that you are not the only one working in an organization. There are coworkers who you have to work with to ensure the company’s growth. Occasionally, you may even be a member of a smaller team required to carry out a specific task within or outside the organization. You are required to contribute your quota for the tasks' success, but how do you achieve this?

The essence of any team is collaboration for a goal or goals. To be an effective team member, you need to collaborate with the other team members by contributing everything you can and avoiding acts that jeopardize others' contributions.

Communication within a team is very important. It brings everybody on the same page and keeps them updated. When you have ideas that could foster the team's growth, ensure to mention it through the accepted communication channel. And if there is something else you do not understand, contact the right team member and ask about it.

Support and encourage others. There is room for competition, but it must be healthy to avoid developing a toxic relationship between two team members. Listen attentively and give support when others give ideas. If the idea appears faulty, ensure that you mention it in the most polite manner. The feedback sandwich should come in handy in this regard.

Arrive in time for meetings and participate actively. And finally, accept that not all your suggestions will be adopted. Even when you think you have given a wonderful idea, try to explain if others do not get it. And if, in the end, they still do not think it would work, learn to find a way to work with what they have chosen instead.

Tips for Retaining Your Best Employees

As soon as you get an employee that gives all to the job, the next step should highlight how to retain them. Great employees not only contribute directly to the organization's productivity; they also influence others around them to do the same. Depending on how well you treat the employees that give their all, others want to emulate them, and all these translate into a more successful business for you.

Adopt a better incentive and compensation plan. Employees who are compensated adequately would generally have no cause to look elsewhere. This is coupled with the fact that hiring a new employee costs no small money. Remunerating an employee properly makes them understand that you value their input, and they would like to continue working for you.

Make explicit roles for each employee. When those who work for you are not clear about the tasks that are expected from them, they get frustrated and start looking for alternatives. Ensure that multiple employees are not asked to do the same task that can get done by one.

Welcome their ideas. People love it when you welcome their suggestions give them credit for it. They also love an atmosphere where their voices can be heard and appreciated. Provide these for them, and you can be sure of their unwavering loyalty.

The need for you to train your employees cannot be overemphasized. Additional training gives them more knowledge on how to perform better. This is also an extraordinary way to make your employees stay committed to you no matter the offers that are advertised by competitors. They realize you have invested in them because they are important and will ultimately want to give their all as well.

How to Make a Potential Employer Fall in Love with You

It is always great news to discover that you've been invited to interview for your dream job. However, after a moment of joy, you start thinking. What do I wear to the interview? How do I speak? How do I say my name? All these questions you ask yourself are directed to making sure you are at your best so that the employer falls in love with you and employ you. The good news is that we’ve compiled this list to help you out. So, jump in!

Prepare. We know that sounds like a no-brainer, but we often overlook it that we end up wishing we had not. Preparation includes getting everything you'd be going with, from your pen and notepad to an extra copy of your resume. Pack the things you'd need as well as the ones you'd wear early to avoid forgetting anything.

Research the company. It is natural that your interviewer expects that you know a thing or two about the organization. The inability to answer when asked about the basics can lead to a red face moment. Making research may even give you insights into how they conduct interviews, which would come in handy just in case they still use it.

Update your social media handles. Employers these days do not joke with the online presence of their employees. Ensure your social media handles, especially the official ones like LinkedIn or Twitter, is free from anything that may paint you badly.

Finally, it is important that you do not lie about anything before and during the interview. You don't want to give any information different from one in your resume or a false statement that could be discovered later.

Minimizing negativity in the work environment

It is important for managers to take note of the atmosphere that exists in the workplace. A positive environment will be evident in higher productivity, while results may be gotten sluggishly or not gotten at all when you allow your team to promote negative values in the workplace. As a manager, you cannot be everywhere at the same time, but there are values you can promote to make your team eliminate negativity that could slow down progress.

Start by promoting positivity around work. Having a positive environment naturally gives no room for negativity. Point out the positives from situations and let others do the same thing. Give reasons why a project should do well without ignoring glaring negatives. Get your employees fired up every day by inspiring and motivating them always.

Embrace an open communication system. Open communication gives adequate room for workers to share their thoughts and concerns. Ensure the communication system in the workplace works, and information gets from out phase to another without hindrance.

Cultivate trust among employees. When everyone trusts one another, they can understand when people are not at their best and can help them find a way to get back up. Trust helps you ensure that everybody is on the same page, and they have the best interest of the organization at heart.

Provide an equal playing field for all employees and treat them equally. When there are workplace rules, ensure that no one escapes the set punishment when they go against the rules. This way, they can trust the system more, and it translates into a positive atmosphere.

Dealing with a Difficult Boss

As someone said, if Friday is your happiest day, you should change your job.

You cannot avoid your boss. At least, not entirely. A boss, like coworkers, is someone you have contact with now and then. It becomes a problem if you have a difficult boss. It wears you down and takes a toll on your performance at work. Even worse, you dread resumption back to work every morning. Never let your bad boss make you bad too, you need to rise above that. As disturbing as it sounds, there are ways to work around this without quitting your job.

Adapt to their style. Some people may have worked in a particular way for a very long time that they find it unacceptable when you use another method for them. It is also possible that they got used to somebody before you and treat you like you're not doing enough. Look closely at your boss's request and complaints; perhaps they are things you can adopt to get them off your back.

Speak. Getting a heart-to-heart conversation may help your boss realize they have been bad to you if they did not know it before. This helps clarify issues and put both of you on the same page. However, this requires that you time it right when your boss is in a great mood. Also, consider speaking to someone at HR if you are sure they will help out.

Look somewhere else. This may be very difficult and may be the last option, especially if you love your work, colleagues, or just don't have the strength to look elsewhere. But then, for your safety and sanity, this is an option you should consider if nothing else seems to work.