Dealing with a Difficult Boss

As someone said, if Friday is your happiest day, you should change your job.

You cannot avoid your boss. At least, not entirely. A boss, like coworkers, is someone you have contact with now and then. It becomes a problem if you have a difficult boss. It wears you down and takes a toll on your performance at work. Even worse, you dread resumption back to work every morning. Never let your bad boss make you bad too, you need to rise above that. As disturbing as it sounds, there are ways to work around this without quitting your job.

Adapt to their style. Some people may have worked in a particular way for a very long time that they find it unacceptable when you use another method for them. It is also possible that they got used to somebody before you and treat you like you're not doing enough. Look closely at your boss's request and complaints; perhaps they are things you can adopt to get them off your back.

Speak. Getting a heart-to-heart conversation may help your boss realize they have been bad to you if they did not know it before. This helps clarify issues and put both of you on the same page. However, this requires that you time it right when your boss is in a great mood. Also, consider speaking to someone at HR if you are sure they will help out.

Look somewhere else. This may be very difficult and may be the last option, especially if you love your work, colleagues, or just don't have the strength to look elsewhere. But then, for your safety and sanity, this is an option you should consider if nothing else seems to work.