How Should You Deal with Difficult Coworkers

The reality of working means that there will be coworkers — people who are employees of the same organization as you. Usually, when different people come together trying to reach similar goals, there are going to have different personalities. And it is almost impossible not to have at least one difficult coworker among your colleagues, who some reason, you won't get along with smoothly. Use these methods to navigate through the situation carefully.

Listen and ask questions. When your team has a coworker that tends to bring you down with their negative comments, it's important not to be quick to discard their criticism. Sometimes, part of what they say can be useful and critical individuals are essential in seeing all the sides of a project. Listening and asking questions helps you get valid points and solutions.

Collaborate. Some coworkers are overly competitive, thereby making them discredit or sabotage your efforts. Working effectively with such a person requires that you show interest in collaborating with them. Let them know that you can help each other out to achieve the company’s goals.

Avoid gossips. When someone comes to you bearing information about others and asking for your opinions, take great care in sieving through the entire information. The person might be a gossip who is likely going to share your views with someone else. Learn to leave this kind of conversation politely or change the topic.

Speak out. There are usually coworkers who want to undermine you or shift their responsibilities to you. You should help a coworker, but this must be limited to those who really need help. As for others who are only trying to avoid work, take a stand by speaking to them. Let them understand that you have your responsibilities too, and offer to explain the parts that you understand better.