How to deal with a hostile work environment

A hostile work environment is usually created by a boss or colleague whose actions, behavior or character makes you professionally uncomfortable. Their behaviors often negate the conditions necessary for a good working atmosphere. Firstly, you’ll need to call out the offender and air your views. This is quite difficult for many as they will rather keep bottling up and avoiding face offs. It’s very adequate to communicate directly with your offender, give specific examples of issues where necessary. Choose your words carefully and make your points without raising your voice.

Don’t do it alone, find allies. Amidst the excessive toxicity of your working ambiance, chances are that there are a few good colleagues around. Involve the good guys and share your burdens. Discuss viable solutions and act accordingly. Talking to like minded people eases a lot of tension. The last resort will be to talk to the management. That’s if your workplace doesn’t have HR department, then you can always talk to your boss. The idea is to keep them apprised of the situation without sounding petty or projecting yourself as a bad team player