Whether you're Unemployed, Under Employed, or Employed and Looking to Change Careers, there is a Certain Level of Activity needed to Ensure you Advance your Career!
If you're not working and looking for a new opportunity, your full-time job is your job search! You should be spending every day getting that much closer to your goal of securing a new career opportunity.
If you are working but would make a change for the RIGHT opportunity, you need to dedicate at least 10 hours per week toward this change. If you do not intend to retire from your current position, it is wise to realize the importance of networking. Your only job security is YOU. It's your ability to keep your skills current, position yourself in your current company and make strategic career moves throughout your entire career.
You will Enjoy RESULTS in the areas of your life that get the most attention.
Review the last thirty days of your Job Search or Career Advancement efforts and answer the following questions:
1. How many resumes did you mail out DAILY?
2. How many calls did you make daily following up on the resumes you have previously submitted?
3. How many new companies and new hiring authorities do you research?
4. How many networking events did you attend?
5. How many job fairs did you attend?
6. What sites did you utilize to post your resume?
7. What new sources have you identified to uncover career opportunities?
8. How many informational interviews have you scheduled?
9. How many interviews with a prospective employer did you schedule?
10. If your resume is not resulting in interviews, did you revise your resume?
11. Are you registered with search firms who specialize in your occupation?
Are you getting the idea? Every single day you need to be marketing your experience, education and skills to prospective decision makers who could become your future employer.
The Internet makes research extremely accessible.
Whether you are unemployed, underemployed or NOT employed you need to commit to minimum standards daily which are outlined below.
1. Mail out 10 resumes every single day to a prospective employer. Handwrite the envelope and put "Personal and Confidential" in the left hand corner, so the decision maker is actually the person who opens your envelope.
2. Research additional companies in your profession.
3. Call into those companies to identify the person who would be your supervisor.
4. Read classified ads, Internet postings and the employment pages on the websites of the employers you have targeted.
5. Subscribe to trade publications. Read articles that uncover possible positions or expansions.
6. One week after mailing out your resume, contact your prospective employers with a goal of scheduling a face-to-face interview.
7. Tell every person you meet that you are a "FREE AGENT IN THE OPEN JOB MARKET" so they can also network for you.
8. Don't make up your mind BEFORE an interview. Go on the interview with one mission...TO GET AN OFFER.
9. Realize a job search is very FAIR. What you get out of it, is very commensurate to the effort you have put into your search.
Your new opportunity is not going to find YOU; you need to become extremely PRO-ACTIVE in your search! If you make 10 new contacts per day, it will only be a matter of time until you are working for your next employer in your great new position!
1. Compile a list of targeted companies.
2. Research the appropriate person to contact.
3. Utilize Watch That Page or Indeed to monitor the employment pages of your targeted companies (these services are FREE).
4. Join your Professional Association and become active so your efforts get noticed by prospective employers.
5. Subscribe to trade publications. Read articles that uncover possible positions or expansions. Just as important, submit articles that you have written for those publications. When you get printed, you are automatically elevated to the status of "EXPERT!"
6. Mail out a blind resume weekly (stressing accomplishments) to prospects.
7. The week after mailing out your resume, contact your prospective employers with a goal of scheduling a face-to-face interview.
8. Don't make up your mind BEFORE an interview. Go on the interview with one mission...TO GET AN OFFER.
9. The process of finding a new Job or making your next Career Move is a very FAIR process. What you get out of it, is very commensurate to the effort you have put into your search. Your dream job will not seek you out, you need to be pro-active.
There are three kinds of people...
1. Those who Make Things Happen
2. Those who Watch Things Happen
3. Those who Wonder What Happened?
When it comes to your career you want to be the person who Makes Things Happen. If you want more detailed information on how to position yourself in the Job Market please visithttp://thr.dontinterviewaudition.com. If you would like information on other Career Counseling options, please visit us at www.thrpartners.com or contact us directly at (803) 980-8477.