The Super Bowl Commercials prove how a single message can be a strong catalyst for action, prompting viewers to BUY in a matter of a few seconds.
An effective two-minute personal commercial is the backbone of your job search! You will use your two-minute pitch during job interviews, in your cover letters and when you are networking.
In fact, this answers the difficult question: "Tell me about yourself?"
This personal commercial will change throughout your career, but helps you advance your career and become an effective networker throughout your entire career. It is important that you constantly change this pitch. It is also important to MASTER more than one, depending on your audience.
Keep the following in mind:
1. Who you are pitching to?
2. Why would they be interested in you?
3. Who is your competition?
4. What you bring to the table that your possible competitors do not?
Too often, the pitch is too long! This is not your "life story" it is your two-minute commercial which usually takes only 30 seconds once you have it mastered.
The primary goals of a Personal Pitch in a Job Search include:
1. Let the decision maker know you are intelligent
2. Display your high level of interest
3. Share only relevant information
4. Come across at the right level
If you are not currently employed and someone asks you, "What do you do?" an effective answer could be, "I'm currently a free agent on the open job market and it's really exciting!" Then you give your two-minute pitch to let this listener know who to refer you to!
How many times have you met someone not employed and when you ask that question, they focus on why they are not working? You have no idea what they have to offer a prospective employer.
Your pitch needs to be enthusiastic, positive and make the listener want to ask you additional questions. You need to practice, practice, and practice until you are very comfortable with the various pitches you write. Finding a job involves SALES SKILLS. If you are not a salesperson, you need to become one and mastering your pitch is your first step in selling yourself.
You will be amazed how many more interviews and job offers you will receive when you know how to make an excellent first impression with a prepared pitch! A good pitch is also very empowering and helps increase your confidence level, which is critical when you are in transition.
The primary goals of a Personal Pitch throughout your Career include:
1. Career Advancement with your Current Employer
2. Enhance your effectiveness as a Networker
3. Share Accomplishments with Potential Employers
4. Inform others of WHO and WHAT to Refer to You
Think for a moment of the last social or business networking event you attended. Did you have an effective way to approach other attendees? Do they know what you do? Do they know who to refer to you?
Master your Two-Minute Commercial and You Will Enjoy Amazing Results in Your Job Search and in Advancing Your Career!
If you want more information on how to write your Two-Minute commercial please visit If you would like information on other Career Counseling options, please visit us at or contact us directly at (803) 980-8477.