How Do You "Become a Referral?"

According to LinkedIn, over 80% of people hired are the result of referrals from their network – so how do you become the person who is referred?

Hiring Authorities love to hire from within their company, but their second favorite way to hire is through a current employee. One main reason is that employees will only refer people who they know are great because their reputation is at stake if this person is hired. According to Jobvite, 40% of all hires come specifically from employee referrals.

When you are building your professional network, you need to understand that ANYONE working could be the key to your next job. When you are actively working, you hear about jobs both in your company as well as in other companies.

Hiring Managers will then turn to their network and people they trust outside of their company. Many are reaching out to past employees of their company, which is why it’s always wise to contact any past employers to see if they would rehire you. If you were an outstanding employee at your previous job, friends of your employer could also help you. Think about past customers, partners and peers.

The best people to be with when you are in a job search, are those who are currently employed. Attend industry groups where currently employed people network and offer your expertise.

You never know when you might run into someone who knows someone who works at one of your preferred companies. When you least expect it, your lead will come to you. The bottom line is that you cannot rely on applying online and waiting to be brought in for an interview, spend most of your time networking and you will earn the right to become a referral.