"WOW" Factor

Think for a moment about your job search process. When is the last time you received the reaction of “Wow” from a hiring authority or individual in your professional network? It is important that you determine your Wow Factor for you to differentiate yourself from other job seekers. When you attempt to determine your Wow Factor, you will be forced to stand back and be realistic about what you can offer a future employer that your competition can’t.

If you don’t know your Wow Factor, no one else will take time to figure it out. Often your Wow Factor represents the impact your accomplishments have had on your past employers. Future employers assume that what you did for your past employers is what they can expect from you. How you present yourself in your resume, cover letters and follow up telephone contacts greatly impacts the level of success you will have scheduling interviews.

You can earn a Wow reaction from your professional network when you share leads or useful information. When you help someone else, they are very likely going to want to repay the favor and help you. If you are not sure what differentiates you, ask your family and friends. Then, practice how you’re going to present yourself to everyone you meet during your job search.